
Sunday, 1 September 2013

30 Paintings in 30 days

Have signed up for this!!! So 30 paintings in 30 days...hmmm so how did I get on today? Well nearly finished one I started yesterday and also did 2 small ones yesterday as I knew I may not get as much chance today. The rules are that we paint 30 paintings in the month so doesn't have to be one a day, as long as we aim for 30 in the month.

Am hoping that by doing this challenge I will be able to send one or two more for the Running with Brushes Charity

Running with Brushes...... website

the paintings are only 6x4 so I can manage to do them quicker than the normal size I do so am thinking I will do a mix of small and larger ones over the month..  I have some ideas for xmas cards which I need to get going and have quite a few workshops coming up which I need to do some practice for so no shortage of topics.

Will start to post in the next few days and hopefully I will complete the challenge and might even have a few to spare!!

Here is the link to the challenge

30 day September painting challenge


  1. Good luck with this challenging challenge! Looks like you will not be without subjects to paint!

  2. hey Judith, me too, look forward to sharing the painting journey with you this month!

  3. Good luck Judith! I'm in a similar challenge which is to create 29 faces in 30 days. Hoping it brushes up my decidedly dodgy faces.

    Looking forward to seeing what you do :)

  4. Thank you ladies... am going to try and get some in reserve so that I will still have some for the days I may not get chance to paint!!


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