
Friday, 17 May 2013

New Commission

At first this was going to be a charcoal drawing, a commission for a 60th birthday present of the family dogs. When the client saw my watercolour animals she decided she would like a painiting rather than a drawing.

This was quite tricky as the details, colour and composition were all left to me.  I know decisions aren't my strong point but got over it with this one!! I had several photos but didn't like the compositions so amalgamated them and I am happy with the one I ended up with.  I had an idea of which colours I wanted to use and did a few little planets and a sketch which helped me decide and I finally settled on

Burnt Sienna
Raw Sienna
Winsor Violet

When choosing colours I always try and make sure I have a colour which will give me a good dark,  in this case the Winsor Violet. The Turquoise is a rich vibrant colour but doesn't have quite enough tonal value to give me the really dark areas when mixed with the Burnt Sienna. Prussian blue, UB, Indigo will all work and I think the Perylene Green I have bought recently might also give me the tone I am looking for.

Am delighted to say the client was really happy with the painting, she loved the colours and composition as she said the smaller girl dog often looks up at them like that.

Just needs framing now and then I believe it will be off to their holiday home in France.

My blog will be quiet for the next few days as I am taking a little break... paints will be with me, can't go anywhere without them now!!


  1. Gorgeous great choice for the colours

    1. I did suggest the scheme to the client as I had the feeling they would work and thankfully she loved it!!

  2. Great portrayal of the dogs, Judith. Your colour combos worked a treat, those planets helped again. Thanks also for sharing your thought process(s), and glad I'm not the only indecisive one. Enjoy your break, and happy sketchbooking!

    1. Thanks Mike.... the planets are always good to try out different schemes. Sometimes I find I just need to alter one colour to give me what I'm looking for. With this one I had used Brown madder in my first practice and didn't like it a much as the burnt sienna... mixing the planets gives you a glimpse of the possibilities which you can't always see with your imagination.

  3. The colours are beautiful.

    1. Thanks Niki... I do try and get the colours attractive for all my work. I have been studying colour for a long time and still have so much to learn but to mix on the paper gives such a different feel to colour and makes everything so much livelier.

  4. Hi Judith, I'm quite enjoying reading your blog and all of your thoughts pouring out, as I share many of the same thoughts with you about the process of creating. Beautiful dogs here, and I especially like your landscapes, figures and charcoal drawings. I live in the US and am on the list to get Brusho and can't wait to try it!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Christy... am delighted you are enjoying the blog and work I have on here. You will love the Brusho ....I promise, and with Joanne's instruction you will be well on your way!!


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