
Monday, 13 May 2013

First ever full Demo.....

I am visiting an art group on Wednesday evening where they have asked me to do a demonstration rather than a workshop. A few artists I know prefer to do demos as they don't like the teaching aspect of the workshop but as I have always done workshops and I love the teaching bit, I was a bit daunted to hear they wanted a demo, then I thought "they have invited me to go along and talk about "me" and my painting to a captive audience...... how good is that and I actually can't wait now!!"

I will be showing a few techniques, doing some small quick demos and sharing as many tips and hints as I can remember... I know, I know,  maybe I should hold back and not share too much all in one go but I don't seem to be able to help myself, I want them to feel inspired and raring to go, to feel it is all achievable given a little time and of course practice and I may even take some older stuff to prove the point. We will have a break half way through where apparently the members like to have a chat with the artist and view some of their work and then it will be back to me rambling on again!! I will have a microphone and the whole thing will be projected onto a big screen so that everyone can see well... talk about jumping in at the deep end!!!

Anyway if I can get across my enthusiasm and the painting goes well I'm sure it will be fine and I may decide to do more if anyone wants me!! I cannot believe that after having retired exactly 1 year ago tomorrow I am doing this as a job, painting, exhibiting and running demos and workshops....I am working on a commission at the moment, and have just finished another two and although there were no sales at the exhibition on Saturday as footfall was poor and there was a big Spring Fayre at a hotel complex nearby, I got another booking for my workshops and did a bit of a demo for the other artists at the exhibition.

I am exceedingly fortunate to be able to do this and never stop pinching myself to see if it is real!! I always knew it was the best thing to be able to turn a hobby into a  job but never believed it would happen to me and one reason was that I never found out what I really wanted to do, well not until I started painting. I do wish I had come to this sooner but maybe I wasn't ready to do it then but I sure am now!! By the way, am not asking for wishes of luck for Wednesday I am finding if I am properly prepared, luck doesn't come in to it....

"Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail" is my mantra and strangely enough not with anything else in my life (generally wing most things) but most definitely where my art is concerned. I don't ever want to not give my best at these sessions, firstly it is nice to be invited back but second, I really want to "spread the word" about watercolour and painting in general and I can only do that if I can give a good session and motivate and encourage people to give it a go!!

Will give an update later in the week when I have plunged into the deep water to let you know how I got on.....


  1. Judith, since I met you in IDP and have moved along with you to different groups, I have always sensed that you would be more than you ever hoped to be in the art world.
    Your enthusiasm and patience have led many of us to our brushes. Your valid critiques have made us better artists. You are where you are, and I am pleased as punch. You go girl!!!!

    1. Oh Susan thank you so much... it really helps having you behind me!!! Your support and endless faith has been something I truly value..... I will be here waiting for when you are able to pick up your brushes again!!

  2. Hi Judith I'm sure you will do a grand job,your talent and enthusiasm will take care of everything! I will look forward to reading about it while I'm in Ireland xx

    1. Hope you have a wonderful time Helen and yes I will tell you all about it..... am really looking forward to it, speak to you soon!!

  3. Lovely of you to comment Amanda.... I just hope they ask lots of questions as that always gets me going!!

  4. Judith that is so wonderful and thoroughly deserved! You've been an inspiration and great support to me and many others online and it's wonderful that you are doing what you do so well 'in the flesh' so to speak in front of a live audience - you go girl!!!

    1. Am blushing now Sharon... you never really needed much..... that natural raw talent was always there!!! Doing this in the flesh is so thrilling, I can't wait to show people all the things I was never taught and watch as the light dawns.. it happens at the workshops and I never get tired of it. The reason I like to do workshops is they get the chance to have a go at what I am talking about whereas in the demo they will just be watching but I might as well get used to doing demos as well....I don't want to turn any opportunities away, and I will also get chance to show my newly framed paintings!!

  5. I wish I could come to your demo Judith, you are right you don't need luck, you have the skills and I bet you present them beautifully

    1. Hi Lorraine... I don't mean to be arrogant to say I don't need luck, it is just that I love preparing for them I make sure I know what I'm doing and what I want to share. It has been a revelation that after my first couple of sessions I no longer fear speaking in front of everyone and because I have been so favourably received at my workshops I go to each one excited and I think that comes across. This is a bit different as I may not be as connected with the audience but will try and get over that by inviting them to ask questions and be involved.

  6. Fantastic - I echo the others' comments - you go girl! Do us proud! You'll be great - we all know that - wish I could be there to watch and learn some more!

    1. It would be lovely if all my online friends could be there... you all know me and would be like a party!! I think I have enough to talk about and demo for the 2 hours so will report back when I have done it... I am usually on a high after my workshops so hoping this will be the same!!


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