
Friday, 31 May 2013

Delight or Disaster!!

As I have written on facebook, I am really not sure about this one but thought I would post anyway. This photo which was taken by Nicola B on Paint my Photo has been on my to do list for a while now. You may remember last year I never had chance to take any photos of the poppies in our garden as they were all drenched and needed umbrellas during our wash out of a summer, however they are all that really gorgeous tomato red colour and I had the feeling I wanted to try another colour and I was drawn to this one.

I also wanted to do a large flower painting where one flower was centre stage, I haven't done any so large since the step by step I did on here last year but felt this lent itself to that sort of painting.... the last thing I wanted to do was try out the perylene green again though am not sure how well the palette works for this.

I used

Perylene Green
Permanent Rose
Winsor Violet
Permanent Mauve (I think, anyway it is a slightly redder purple than the violet!!)

I tried some colour mixing but I didn't want this to be a  colourful painting I wanted to use a more unusual combination and as such am not sure how well it worked... have a look and let me know what you think, no drawing on this btw.....


  1. This is gorgeous! Lovely negative painting!

  2. I love the flower. Maybe you should try to darken the background. That would make the flower stand out more and the contrast would be beautyful for the light petals.

  3. Turned out beautifully--you captured the most intriguing things about the photo, imho: the light coming through the petals and the interesting contour line.

  4. A lovely capture of light but you could darken the bg. I find when I am unsure my hunch is generally right and I know I need a little something

  5. Thanks to you all for your feedback... I agree wholeheartedly it isn't finished and needs those darks to bring it out more.... the only thing I am bothered about is the colours.....they are a bit tricky and while I chose them deliberately they do quickly make a sort of grey neutral which while I like in small doses don't want the whole bg to become neutral so will need to be careful and mix my paint on the brush and the paper to make sure I retain some vibrancy of colour. Will post again when and if I complete!!

  6. It's looking gorgeous - I agree with the others and maybe some more lost edges? unless that's not the look you're after, whatever you decide I know it's going to be great!

    1. Hi Sharon... just updated my blog with the rework....I thought about lost edges but wanted to make the most of the white petals so decided not to on this one so yes a conscious decision, maybe not the right one but a decision nonetheless!!


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