
Monday, 11 March 2013

Streetscapes escape me!!

I have been doing quite a bit of  practice with streetscapes recently, trying to find my way with them and think I am finally getting closer!! Streetscapes aren't like doing a single subject like an animal where you can maybe hint at a nose, eye and mouth to tell the story I always feel I need to add a little bit more, but it has finally dawned on me that I can do exactly the same with a streetscape and just paint what interests me in the scene.

I have a lot of photos "in waiting!!" Waiting for when I have figured out how to paint them, a lot from Italy and Spain which I have taken on our travels with the specific purpose of painting them so need to get cracking!!! The first is of a small village in Umbria where I went on a painting holiday in 2007, I have painted it once before but didn't like the result so with renewed enthusiasm had another go today... this is my first day back painting since starting the nursing duties and has been a treat to get the brush back in my hand!! Oops tell a lie... did some sky practices for my workshop last week but my first day doing full paintings rather than just practising.

I decided to concentrate on the tower, the first roof line, the lower roof line and the building to the left. There are quite a few more buildings in the bg but I decided not to feature those at all.

I do like the light on this and might need to darken a touch in the foregound but will sleep on it and see how it looks tomorrow.

The second is of a scene in Florence where I have played a little with the composition... I liked the merry-go-round, the arch and the young man sitting in the foreground but the merry-go-round was too near the arch so I moved it to the left

I might highlight the foreground figure a bit the image he is sitting in sunlight so quite pale but looks a bit too pale on this. Think I will also do something with the "diagonal" from the arch to the right.. only spotted that on here and the carousel looks a bit "iffy!!" but overall I think this is my way forward.. decide what I like in a scene and just concentrate on those bits and see where it goes from there... that's my plan unless you have any better ideas!!!

Both these paintings while not perfect have given me food for thought and ideas of how to go forward, so a very satisfying afternoon's painting.


  1. These are great, Judith. Streetscapes are quite challenging I think. Combining the structured approach for buildings with the organic flow of people is complex. And perspective is so critical to success.

    Well done you for diving in to something new. These are lovely. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

    1. Thanks Vandy.. they are challenging but going back to your post, should I continue with them? Striving to step outside my comfort zone, I feel I need to challenge myself and guess I will know I've improved if I seem them starting to happen... or I could stick with flowers and animals!!!!

  2. Well done....always difficult to go in where you fear to tread....but going well so far. Looking forward to the result. I can so relate to your waiting file. I am currently waiting for a portrait book that I have ordered (been "waiting" for two weeks now arrrgggg) so that I can move my portraits forward. Fun, this art game isn't it!

    1. I have a computer full of images just waiting for me to improve enough to tackle them Bix!! My next step would be landscapes!!! AAARRGGGhhh!!

  3. Judith I think you are on to something here. I love the way these are going and look forward to seeing more as you hone your style with streetscapes making them unique to you for sure

    1. Thanks Lorraine... I hope I can continue with this and maybe it will get easier and am hoping more instinctive!!

  4. Effective colour schemes, Judith. In complete agreeance about focussing more on whatever it was that attracted you to the scene, whether ot was rays of light hitting a figure or an attractive merry-go-round. Great streetscapes.

    1. Thank you Mike.. I did a workshop with an artist called Judi Whitton and she said she couldn't really say how she worked out what to paint and what not to.... she picked out what interested her and it's only now I am able to really apply what she said to my own work. There is always a time in any sort of learning when we are both receptive to, and able to apply information and this must be my time for what I learned over a year ago!!!

  5. It is nice, Judith! Lovely soft palette, nice hues. You have a good purpose. Look forward to seeing your new streetscapes.

    1. Thank you Elena... you are a lovely watercolourist yourself so your comments mean a lot to me!!

  6. Hello Judith:) These are two beautiful paintings. Especially the first one is so nice. I like how you did the roofs and the warm colors are lovely! Nice job!

    1. Thank you Renate, am delighted you like the paintings I was trying to get a softer feel in these as a lot of my work is so bright and colourful and I didn't think that approach would work as well with these subjects.

  7. Great idea Judith, sounds like you've had one of those ah-ha moments! It's sometimes hard to remember that we don't have to paint exactly what we see in the photo. But if we wanted a photographic resemblance we'd print out the photograph, and forget the painting...the beauty of painting is that we can make it much nicer than it actually was in real life, bringing the sunshine (real or imagined) and the atmosphere back to life again.

    1. So true Stephanie... have never wanted to paint in a photo-realistic way but the alternative is harder than we often think, once you have to start using your imagination and trust your instincts things can get tricky!!!

  8. Love them both so far but knowing you when I get back to them you will have changed them again, to something even better. Im nodding my head as I read your blog saying just paint the bits you like I do so agree but struggle with that concept but I am going to give it a go. Glad you have lightened your nursing duties and are back doing what you do best. I love it when you add your colour choices to your description it is enlightening to read. Many thanks

    1. Thanks Leona, am not sure how much I will change these... was quite pleased with how they turned out but guess trying new things is all part of evolving and growing...where it will lead who knows, the important thing is to enjoy the journey!!


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