
Saturday, 23 February 2013

The Lion's Share... My Last Painting for a While

My husband is having a hip replacement on Tuesday so  have been trying to get as much painting done as possible in the last few days as am not sure how much time I will have in the weeks to come... I have a very good hubbie who does lots around the house and generally facilitates my painting so that I don't have to worry about whether the washing and ironing is done, the gardening, the bed changed... we tend to do the housework together, mainly if someone is coming and I tend to do most of the cooking and shopping, but generally we have  a good arrangement where he does the Lion's Share (get it... the title for this painting!!!) while I get on with my painting!!

Not for much longer..... apparently he will be on crutches for about 6 weeks (though if I know him he will be ditching them sooner than that) has to sit on a raised chair for about 3 months, won't be driving for up to 6 weeks and can't bend or twist for up to 3 months.... there is a very long list of what he can't do for fear of dislocation of the new joint and we really don't want to risk jeopardising his chances of a full recovery, so I will have to be a good little wifey and take care of him as he has taken care of and helped me for these last few years as I have been trying to make something of my art!!

So this painting is dedicated to him to wish him a speedy recovery so that he can quickly get back to his rightful position of Lion of the family and back to his duties!!

BTW I do know this is a Lioness but I really liked the earnest look in her face... I know he will have the same single minded determination to get better, so was inspired to paint her... photo from Gary Jones


  1. Love your lioness Judith, hope all goes well for your husband and he has a speedy recovery, where would we be without all their help as we follow our engrossing path

    1. So agree with you Lorraine... not sure he really "got" it when I first started but think he now sees what I'm trying to do, he helps me set things up at my group, getting the tables out etc then comes back to help me clear away and it certainly helps when he actually sees I can earn a few pennies from it as well!!

  2. You and I are both blessed with helpful husbands then! Mine is just the same! When you both work as a team, life is so much easier, so best wishes to your husband for a speedy recovery and we will look forward to you resuming your frequent painting posts as soon as he is on the mend!x

    1. Thanks Sue....I am lucky as I can never remember a time when I have had to "nag" him to do anything... more likely to be the other way round!! So yes we do work well as a team especially when we have guests for dinner... I do all the cooking and creative stuff and he gets all the drinks and does all the clearing away....I know which jobs I prefer!!

  3. Good luck to your hubby... you do know that the lioness does all the hunting and work... the Lion shows up to eat sleep in the sun and make baby lions :-) Speedy recovery to your partner in life... take care of him... good men are very hard to find.

    1. Thanks Elaine.....yes he does behave more like a lioness as he has nurturing qualities too!! And yes will do my best to look after him, he does deserve it and I do know I am lucky to have him!!!

  4. Great Lion, Judith...the orange on the left is a very effective touch. Make sure your hubby does his post-op exercises diligently, and there will be no fear, and a speedy recovery. I'm sure he will love your painting, as I'm very impressed.

    1. Think I will have to stop him doing too much Mike as he is very dogged and determined.... the surgeon has told him in no uncertain terms that he cannot do too much as there is a danger of dislocation which can damage all the ligaments and tendons so it will be a case of reining him in and trying to stop him going to the gym!!! At least he won't be going anywhere for the first few weeks as he will need me to be chauffeur!!Ah the power it's overwhelming me already!!!

  5. I'm sure your hubby will love the painting ... who wouldn't?

    Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery from the operation and getting 'back to normal'

    1. Hi Sue... well he sort of likes it but he is my sternest critic so although he doesn't seem to have an artistic bone in his body he does seem to have a good eye as to what may be wrong with something... he quite likes this but I don't think it's finished so will leave it for a while to ponder over!!

  6. Ik vind dat je het prachtig hebt gedaan en wens jou en je partner veel sterkts toe maar denk aan jezelf lieve groetjes Danielle

  7. Thanks you for your very kind wishes Danielle... am sure we will be fine, will just be glad when it's over!!

  8. I do hope the surgery all goes smoothly, Judith. Looking forward to you getting back to your painting again as soon as possible.

  9. Thanks Vandy.... am actually going to take my paints to hospital so that if I am waiting around I won't be bored... once surgery is over am sure he will be watching sky sports the whole time so will just sit quietly with my paints!!

  10. I wish your husband a speedy recovery Judith. I know this operation will make a huge difference to his life. I wish you both well.

    1. Thank you Ingrid... have had a long day at the hospital but very pleased to say all is good in fact he is doinf remarkably well... had a spinal anaesthetic and as I left had not had to use the morphine pump at all!! Early days I know but looking good at the moment!!

  11. P.S. Your painting is beautiful! :)

  12. I'm very behind on my blog reading. I do hope your Hubby's op went well. What a star he sounds, hope he's back up on his feet soon. Your lioness homage to him is just beautiful x

    1. All went well Carmen so will be up and moving tomorrow and hopefully home Friday!! Hope you and the family are doing well!!

  13. Sorry to hear that your right-hand man and able "assistant" has to go through surgery - from the comments above, it sounds like the op went well? Trust that he will recover soon and not take too much strain from the "down" time. Take care. D

    1. Hi Dawn... yes recovery is going well though seems he is a bit shocked as to just how incapacitated he is but getting better day by day and actually home this morning!!

  14. wonderful painting for a wonderful hubby !

    1. Steady Sharon.. he might read this!!But yes he is one of the good 'uns and am lucky to have him!!


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