
Friday, 2 November 2012

My First Brusho Abstract!!!

I have had this photo in mind from  Paint my Photo for quite a while now. It was posted by Robyn Lovelock and taken by her sister.... it's an aerial shot of the Great Barrier Reef... how good is this???

Have kept looking at it knowing it would create a marvellous abstract and I finally decided to have a go today. If I am really honest, although abstract is actually my favourite form of art and that is what I have hanging on my walls at home from choice (my husband has actually stuck a few of mine up since the last exhibition)... to paint abstracts sort of scares me... no idea why but the lack of form seems to be a barrier. I know it's only paper and maybe I should bite the bullet more often and see what happens!!

So here is my first ever Brusho abstract and about my 6th ever Brusho painting... I did have a practice go first which was ok but this has turned out better (as often happens there is failed piece on the back!!!)  and I am really quite pleased with it. I've only used the photo as inspiration so am not expecting anyone to say "Oh yes that looks just like an aerial shot of the Great Barrier Reef!" but may they will say "Hmmm nice abstract!" and of course it is very early days with Brusho. Excuses made then... this is it!!
If you want to read and see more about my adventures with Brusho, check out my other blog posts

First Brusho Workshop
2nd Brusho Workshop

I am attending the last workshop next Thursday... can't wait..... the next thing I want to try is a figure... hope Joanne is reading this. By the way, if any of you are interested, the first Brusho holiday is being held in June 2013, check out the link for more information Painting Holiday.

Might go back in to this and add a few more darks in the foreground but the light is failing here now so need to see it in daylight before I make that decision. Hope you like and you never know this may be a completely new direction for me!!!


  1. A great abstract Judith and maybe getting out of your comfort zone doing this type of work came easier because you knew you were experimenting with the Brusho, whatever the reason it has worked out well. Look forward to seeing more of these PS I too like this type of art but also find my mind is blocked when it comes to looking down at that piece of white paper so that's why I am using Yupo to do my experimenting as it feels more like playing around.

    1. Thanks Lorraine, I think to do a successful abstract, it helps to have some inspiration rather then just "slapping" the paint on haphazardly so that helped with this one. I will try some more Brusho ones, I have an idea for a series so may start working on that.

  2. Hmmm nice abstract... just kidding :) It's a very beautiful abstract Judith!!
    Haven't done any myself yet, I wouldn't know from where to start. But sometimes I have the urge to just put paint on the paper and see what will happen, just for the heck of it.
    You done a great job, so keep on with it. I think Brusho has become a big source of inspiration for you, enjoy it!
    Hugs and Smiles.

    1. Hey Tina... as I said to Lorraine, think it helps to have inspiration from an image of some sort. I think it is the most difficult genre as there is so little to follow. Having said that I often just play with watercolour (and will be doing with Brusho as well now) to see what happens on the paper... you can get some gorgeous mixes by just throwing paint wet in wet and letting things merge on the paper, all about letting the paint and water do the work!!

  3. it's great to see you so inspired by this new medium and the painting is beautiful - I wouldn't do any more with it!

    1. It really is lovely Sharon will show you on Sunday.

  4. Wow Judy! I really love your abstract painting. That orange color is really stunning. Be proud and try more. You've got a fealing for this. Great art!!


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