
Thursday, 8 November 2012

Final Brusho Workshop

I was both excited and disappointed about the workshop today, excited because I just love this product and was hoping Joanne would do figures (which she did!!) and disappointed because this was the last of the three and am not finished learning yet!!  Never mind, will have to get on with doing some experimenting myself as the list of all the techniques you can use with it seems endless as we have found out on these three sessions.

We started with a couple of warm ups where we went straight in with a pen, did a very quick drawing to keep things looking spontaneous and then in with just two colours to start with, followed by a third for darker areas. Here is my first go

Staying vaguely within the lines and just a loose impression, this was not meant as a finished piece as Joanne wanted us to do 2 or 3 to get our brusho warm!! I would go in and darken more areas of this if I wanted it as a finished piece but as it is a practice will leave for now.

2nd warm up

Drawing a bit dodgy on this but used colours similar to the cottage on the previous workshop just 'cos I like them and as it is the tone and shape which identify the subject not the colour... it still looks like a figure and I like the colour choices. I also worked on a third but didn't finish as I need to add more darks... may post that later.

And so we came to the finale.... the main piece we were working up to, this time a more subtle drawing.... a very sketchy pencil line to give a much gentler finish to the piece. The image I chose was actually the one Joanne demonstrated as I really liked the pose and I had done 3 of the others. We used only 2 colours on this, in my case orange and brown and I like the subtletly of this as opposed to the more direct method used on the first two

I might go in and gently touch the features a bit more but am going to "sleep" on it and see how it looks in the morning. Got to say am loving his one....

Am delighted with my efforts from the three sessions and what I have learned... have I told you how much I love this stuff??? But have to say I don't think I would have had a clue without the tuition.... it has made all the difference and the whole group produced some lovely work.....


  1. All three of them are just gorgeous!! Even the colours you used for each one of them are very complimentary to the poses. The colours of the first one, have the energy & the grace of the movement. At the 2ond, they give a sense of serenity and the 3rd painting, which is my favorite of the 3, the colours give you the steadiness of a centered person... Very well done Judith!!
    A hug.

    1. Thank you so much Tina, I also like the third best.... I am definitely going to do some more figurative work with Brusho now! Need to get some more practice done....

  2. You should be pleased too with this Judith each very nice, I like the cool colours in the 2nd one, scary that you say you needed the classes as when my Brusho arrives In Australia I will be all on my own

    1. The classes have definitely helped but intend to so some playing and experimenting of my own now... just get the water spray out and let it explode on the paper!!!

  3. Hello Judith:) Are we ever finished learning in art? Your paintings are beautiful! Compliments! I should frame them all three and hang them together like a triptych? Have nice weekend!

    1. No don't think we are ever finished learning... and a good thing otherwise we wouldn't have anything to strive for!! I an going to do some more of this figurative work so may well frame as a Tryptch... what a good idea!!

  4. wonderful brusho posts ...i love the top figure as it is ... joanne sounds a inspiring teacher very interesting to see your course work judith ...have a good w-e

    1. Thanks Jane....and yes Joanne is very inspiring, it has taken her a good few years to learn how to use the product so am sure there is lot more to find out but this has been a great taster and the product is quite fantastic!!

  5. Thank you Ina delighted you like these "Brusho" paintings!

  6. Very impressive, Judith.
    No wonder you are excited and sad...but don't be too sad, as you've had 3 more expert lessons on brusho than Lorraine and I have had when our respective starter kits arrive on Aussie shores sometime in the near future.
    I don't have a favourite figure..all 3 of your compositions are uniquely different and have their own charms.

  7. Howdy again, Judith.
    Actually found out that Amazon UK won't ship the starter brusho set to my address. Disappointing.
    Could you recommend another supply source for a starter kit please?
    Inspired by your works shown here on your terrific blog.
    many thanks for sharing.

    1. No I don't now where you can get supplies from at the moment Mike apart from going direct to Colourcraft..... could you not ask Lorraine, she has actually received her Brusho, don't know if she got them from the UK.

      Thanks for the kind remarks.... have done one or two more Brusho paintings since these but not quite right. I do know Joanne also has the odd one which she isn't happy with so will just keep trying until I get there!!

  8. Oh Judith your enthusiasm and excitement about this product is tangible - I'm loving seeing how motivated and inspired you are - all of these are really very good - I love them all even the one where you say the drawing is a bit out - it doesn't matter it still works!

    1. Have tried that one again Sharon, in the style of the third one but have added too much to it so lost the spontaneity but think I know what I've done wrong so all ready to have another go!! Thanks for the lovely comments and enthusiasm!!

  9. What original and beautiful paintings. The drawings are a good jobs too and georgeous colours. Congrats Judith. Warm regards

    1. Thank you Eva..... the drawings were secondary to learning about the painting methods so don't suppose any of them took me more than 2 or 3 minutes...... would take a bit more care with them if I wanted to do a proper piece. Delighted you like them!!

  10. These are really fabulous! I haven't used Brusho since I was at school (about a 100 years ago!) Wonderful effects :)

    1. I don't actually remember Brusho Theresa... might be a bit older than you!! Am glad I've discovered it now though, you are right it does produce wonderful effects - an explosion of colour on the page.....

  11. These are stunning. All three! I've never heard of Brusho so will be back later to read your other posts (am so behind on my blog reading!) I suspect there may be another product added to my wishlist soon...

    1. Hey how are you Carmen and baby? Yo can get a starter kit of Brusho from Amazon... will be perfect for Father Christmas to bring... my wish list just gets bigger and bigger!!!


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