
Saturday, 13 October 2012

My New Class Begins and Autumn Leaves!!!


I arrived early with hubbie in tow to do the "blue" jobs like putting the table and chairs out ready and waiting for the group to start arriving... must admit I was quite nervous about whether everyone would turn up, I had a few apologies from those who couldn't come... how polite and considerate were they to take the time to ring and excuse themselves so wasn't sure how many we might expect. Well, I needn't have worried...... 25 people turned up and am happy to say I really enjoyed myself... just hope everyone else did too!!

We started off with a chat and a quick demo about mixing mud and from there we did a simple painting of an old barn door..... had done a couple of practices at home to make sure it would work and the feedback I got was really encouraging, mainly to say they had enjoyed doing it step by step and it was great to actually finish a painting in the time. This was music to my ears and means I can  happily keep things simple until I am ready to do more complex stuff. It isn't easy demonstrating live in front of all those people, even if you have practised at home, watercolour, being the temperamental mistress it is, can easily mess things up for you when you're back is turned and you are least expecting it!!!

Taken from a photo on Paint My Photo by Max Hemingway.

I did have one moment, where in my excitement I think I scared one of our members half to death when I  saw something lovely happening on the page and I snatched the brush and shouted "leave it alone!!!" The brush fell to the floor, and he nearly jumped out of his skin... note to self need to curb my enthusiasm and act with more decorum!!! So big apologies there!!


I have been to Rivington today as next Thursday we are doing Autumn leaves and I wanted some with a good variety of colours rather than the boring old beech leaves we seem to have too many of in our garden. Sycamore seemed to be by far the best colours, the oak seemed rather dull and the horse chestnut all seemed blighted and looked very much worse for wear. Anyway we found one tree where the colours, sizes and shapes seemed endless so I have a gorgeous selection to take with me with a lovely range of colours.

As always I practice what I am going to do in advance and have decided to show two ways of working. There is a cross section of ability in the class ranging from some very new painters to some very experienced ones and I need to pitch it right so that everyone gets something out of the session. The first two paintings here were done with just one application of paint and three colours dropped in wet in wet and allowed to mix on the page. I am trying to get the group to buy into mixing on the paper not on the palette so I am first going to demonstrate a leaf done just with the three colours mixed in the palette then show them how to do it like this. This first one was a mix of UB, Burnt Sienna and Aliz Crimson, the second Windsor Violet instead of UB.

 This one was a looser impression where I have painted negatively to define edges, keeping some and washing others away, it isn't as easy to work this way which is why I am doing the two options. Green/Gold, Aliz crimson, Raw sienna, Quin gold.
 This final piece was done with a full wash and leaves added again using positive and negative painting techniques, washing some edges away, defining others. Same colours as above.

In the meantime I am back at Westhoughton Art Group on Monday morning so they get a choice of what to do, the barn door or the Autumn leaves... lucky them!!!


  1. All I can say is that I'm in awe. That you can produce something like that and while teaching too. I've just found out about a local art group where people meet up and paint and exchange tips etc but I am way to shy still to go along and just paint in front of people like that. Workshops are different because you are all learning but something so much more informal scares me a bit. So to see what you do in front of a class of people is amazing. Your leaf class looks fantastic - I really love that one where you have mixed the colours on the paper - especially the first one. Autumn is my favourite time of year and you have captured the feel perfectly.

    Thank you for stopping by mine and for your lovely words. Yep - I have found that if I ever want to do anything creatively I have to keep my area's tidy. the rest of the house, alas, does not get the same consideration :D

  2. Oh Carmen do try and bury the shyness and go to the group!! You need to get among real life artists and people they will teach you so much... I have found people connected with art to be some of the most generous I know, only too willing to share their knowledge and love of what they do. You won't have to paint in front of anyone..... at the other group I go to we all tend to get on with what we're doing, sometimes members will come by and watch me paint but that is mainly because they aren't used to seeing people paint like I do where nothing much makes sense until I start pulling it together. People will be interested in you... yes, but not in a critical way and you have so much to gain from connecting with other people... promise me you will think again!!

    Thank you for the lovely comments Carmen... it isn't easy painting while talking as painting is generally the one thing that keeps me quiet, but the leaves aren't so bad as they are just one wash... as I said I am trying to get across the technique of mixing paint on the determined to get the message across!!!

    1. Thanks Judith :) I will think about it as don't know anyone 'in real life' who paints apart from friends I've made through Blogland and we meet very infrequently (they are so inconsiderate in that they live so far away!) I took the number when I saw their show (they had a little showing in the library) and am going to get bubba out of the way first and then think about going contacting them.

    2. First things first Carmen!!! And you will have your hands full for a while after but yes do think about it... will be some "you "time as well no babies, nappies, feeding etc etc just painting and art!!! Good luck with the new arrival!!!

  3. Thank you Ina... your comments are lovely and am so pleased you like all the colours, Autumn colours are so special and I tried to capture that!

  4. Hello Judith:) I wish I could be at your class:( I love the door and the leaves are so beautiful, both ways! Lots of succes with your new class:)

    1. Thanks Renate... the classes are simple at the moment as I want to deliver them with credibility but I do think there are a lot of simple hints and tips which can be shared and which can make so much difference to someone's progress and that's what I try and deliver with these classes.

  5. Fantastic to hear that your first group was a success - really, was there any ever doubt? Those autumn leaves turned out really well in all their shapes and forms - I am sure that everyone will be able to get something out of the group - you're a good teacher....from "one of your students" :)

    1. Aw thanks Dawn, in some respects it is so much easier to provide the information in person, much easier to show someone what I mean then just telling them but then there is the added pressure of having to do a painting or study which does have to have some credibility..... which is why I do lots of practice beforehand. Any new groups I go to I take a selection of my paintings so they all know I can actually do it even if the demo doesn't go well!!

  6. I am pleased to hear that all went well. I wish I could be there too. Thanks for sharing your leaves techniques with us.

    1. Would be lovely if you could be there too Florence, do you ever come back to visit the Northwest? Check out the step by steps I've done on here you might find something useful.....

  7. Congratulations on your class - and a nice full house, too!! You have the right idea - don't get too complex too soon so they can get their feet wet and feel like they are progressing :) Love your paintings, all of them - and the story of scaring one student! ha ha

    1. Thank you for the advice Rhonda... really appreciate it and am delighted you think I'm going in the right direction... what I'm doing feels right if that makes sense and more importantly seems to be well received with the 3 groups I have visited so far all booking me again!!

  8. congratulations Judith on your first class....I'm sure they will be a huge success....I love all your leaves!!

    1. Aw thank you Helen... how are you? Will give you a ring this week. am doing a workshop tomorrow and another on Thursday and sorting out my website as well!! Busy, busy!!

  9. Judith ssooooo pleased for you on the success of your workshop - your leaves are absolutely gorgeous, all of them! I'll be in Bolton Sun 28th October so if you're free that day it would be great to go for that coffee!

  10. Hi Sharon... have another session in the morning at Westhoughton!! 28th sounds fine... could meet you there, what time will you be around? Will pm you x

  11. I'm so happy everything turned out nicely at your workshop, congratulations! After all, I'm confident about you Judith, because after following so closely your blog I knew you are the right girl for the job :)
    I truly wish I could be there -even if it meant jumping out of my skin, hehe. On the other hand, wouldn't know which one to choose, The barn door or The Autumn leaves... your paintings are gorgeous!
    Hugs and smiles.

    1. Thanks Tina... did another class today... just love it!! How are you in sunny Greece? Hope you are setted and well... take care!!

  12. Lovely loose work Thanks for the plug for my blog. Much appreciated.


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