
Thursday, 25 October 2012

How Much Excitement Can a Gal Stand!!!

Have just been to the second of a 3 day workshop on Brusho led by Joanne Boon Thomas. You may remember I attended the first ever workshop she did on Brusho at the beginning of the Summer, check out my previous blog here. So you would be right in calculating that this was my third ever attempt with Brusho, as I haven't actually done much practice at home with it ( more of why not later!!). This is what I did today....

We did a quick warm up on a smaller sheet and then did the drawing with black marker pen from an image Joanne had sketched on location in Kettlewell, a lovely place in the Yorkshire Dales.

We then chose our colours and, as I just love this combination, I decided on purple, turquoise and yellow. I had a feeling this was going to be "the one" as I have been learning and carefully watching how Joanne does it...... so yes while there may be areas I would do slightly differently (not much though) overall I am really delighted with this.... Brusho is even more unpredictable than watercolour but the mixing of colours you can get on the page is just fantastic and as Joanne says it gets very addictive!!! You can get washes, drips, splashes, texture, the list is endless.....

What I really want to share in this blog is the fact that it has only taken me three sessions to produce something like this (and the first one was so long ago I didn't really remember too much of the way to apply it, so I'm only counting it as two sessions!!!) and it wasn't just me who produced a piece like this, the whole workshop did so well with it and every one was so incredibly different. Just like watercolour you need to get a "feel" for it, but as it behaves differently to watercolour different ways of handling it are used, though in other respects it can be used just like watercolour.

 I don't know about you but I am really thrilled and impressed with this piece and really after only 2 sessions, I think is a credit to Joanne and her teaching of this product that has really made the progress possible.

Joanne has been booked to take a Brusho painting holiday at the lovely location of Bandouille, an idyllic painting location in France which I did a Blog about in April. Just think how much progress you would make in the week if this is what can be done in two, three hour sessions!!! I know the holiday will include some watercolour but it will be concentrating more on Brusho.... sheer bliss, don't miss out by thinking too long and hard about whether or not you will go!!!

As for me, I am really going to spend some more time developing my Brusho techniques now.... I have intended to go outside on many occasions and have a go but as many of you will know, our "Summer" has been non existent here in the North West so I need to devise a way of painting inside and not get everywhere covered in it.  I am a messy painter at the best of times and I get so excited with Brusho I get myself into even bigger messes, not good when I tend to paint in our conservatory, mainly because my art room has been such a mess..... but it's tidy now and I might set it up as my Brusho workshop.... I believe Tesco sell a plastic coated paper sheet for about £2 which I am going to get to cover everything then I can splash and play to my heart's content!!!

Can you tell I'm a teeny little bit excited?!?!


  1. EXCITED!!!! YOU!!! NEVER!!!...Brilliant....and great you are having so much fun. THis is gorgeous. Well done and I am really looking forward to Joanne joining us in 2013 so that I can watch her work too...I will have to get the plastic sheeting in as I can see its gonna get messy. It is fun to use and very unique in its nature and I too have done many pieces this week and all so very very different to you and Joanne, because I wanted to see if it could also "behave" and did some restricted studies with it, including 2 peppers, a crystal inkwell, a reindeer horn and a duck... So it works well for everyones style. Still experimenting and loving it. Thanks for the plug too and lets plan to get you over too! Bx

  2. I think you will find Joanne will be every bit as much if not more than you could hope for and people will really get somewhere with her...I do think Brusho is one of the most versatile mediums you could hope for and yes will match a lot of styles... will have to see about that visit too!!!

  3. Well Judith what a day! Your painting is Brusholicious and it looks like after only a few sessions you are now starting to understand the advantages limitations of Brusho. I loved reading your thoughts trials and tribulations on your blog....and yes I can tell you are a little but exited!
    It is such a thrill to share my experiences with this medium and it makes my day when I see the excitement and astonishment of a student who sprays that Brusho for the very first time and can see the magic happen.
    Get yourself down to Tesco this minute and go buy that large plastic sheet!

  4. Thanks Joanne... it's good to share these things on my blog... sort of debrief and diary of what I've been up to. Can always use it for reference in the future as well!!! I did enjoy seeing it all happen before my very eyes today especially as I had the feeling it was going well... think I might get this one framed!!!

  5. Great blog Judith. Loved the workshop too. Isn't out amazing how different they all were? Joanne is a great teacher - I love her work. See you next time.
    Irene (Simmons)

  6. Thank you Ina, I loved doing this one!!

  7. Beautiful Judith - I have got a brusho starter set but haven't used it yet - not really sure what to do with it! and as you know I've been a bit busy painting birds lately!!! I'm hoping to get over to Bandouille next year some time if money, time and family will allow!

    1. You could always do Joanne's Brusho holiday then!!! That would be a real treat for you!! Have seen all your birds, if your cards go well, a series of birds would be great and am sure you would be able to get some gifty, crafty type shops to take. See you Sunday!!

  8. I can see why you would put this one straight into a frame Judith it is lovely, I have no concept of what Brusho is or how to use it but it looks like it gives exciting results. Where can you buy it btw

    1. Joanne has spoken to Colourcraft who supply Brusho and though they only generally ship to the UK they are apparently happy to send further afield.... there are a few people from Australia I know would be interested in getting some. It is quite a cheap product, less than £20 for 12 colours which last ages. Might be worth you trying to contact a few people to ship out a larger order then checking if Colourcraft will send.

  9. I can see your smile from here.... have you found your calling? Wonderful piece... Brusho is not available here. :-(

    1. You can feel the love can't you!!!! Don't know about my calling... but it is a lovely experience working with it, can be frustrating too but no more so than watercolour and can't seem to leave that alone either!!

  10. Lovely work Judith. This looks a little bit like pouring with watercolour, is it a similar effect? I love your sense of adventure and openness to try different mediums. You know me though watercolour all the way. It's bad enough getting to grips with that one... lol

    1. But it is like watercolour really Laura, you use lots of water with it and it is like pouring but more just like adding pigment then using your water spray just like you might with watercolour the pigment is just more intense... so not really being adventurous at all, can just see all the effects you can get with this which has taken me years to understand and achieve in watercolour!!!

  11. You're right about no real brusho insights on youtube, Judith.
    Thanks for the explanation on F/b. I would be interested in ordering a beginner's brusho kit in the near future.
    i have a quick w/c question if you don't mind, please Judith....what is cadmium violet? is it the same as winsor violet dioxazine? Please elaborate.
    Great blog you have here, Judith.

    Thanks, Mike.

    1. At the moment Mike, Brusho isn't available in Australia... check my comment to Lorraine, Colourcraft may well be prepared to ship over there.

      As for the violets yes I think the 2 you mention may be the same but each manufacturer seems to have different names for the same colour. The only way to check for sure is to check the pigment number which should be displayed somewhere on the tube and if it is the same, then the pigment is the same regardless of the name.

  12. I never saw this Brusho tecniques, but the result is fantastic. Much more colors and it seems very funny. I love the mixture of techniques and your fantastic painting. Happy weekend

    1. And a happy weekend to you too Eva... we have guests this weekend otherwise I would be working on my Brusho paintings... never mind, will start again next week.

  13. Wow.... don't know anything about brusho but off to find out. Sounds fun.

    1. Worth a look Sue... check out Joanne fb page and website and don't forget she is running the holiday on France!!!

  14. Magnificent Judith!! I really like it, well done!
    I haven't use Brusho yet, then again I haven't 'really' used watercolour yet, I'm still just attempting. So the only thing I can say for sure, is that it's "in" you. I mean, you're a gal with talent, so the materials are just tools that make you happy and release your talent. Have fun!
    Hugs and smiles.

  15. You always leave such lovely comments Tina.... yes am hoping it is "in" me and Brusho is the only thing apart from watercolour which seems to have released this desire to paint. Hope all is going well for you in Greece and you will soon be picking up the brushes again.


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