
Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Excitement is Rising!!

For those who have been following my blog since I retired (way back in May) you will have witnessed my level of excitement from being mildly, to moderately, to excited..... well now I'm quite hyper!!! Not only has my painting been going really well, but I attended a very exciting meeting yesterday with Adam and Leon who are the guys behind the exhibition I will be doing from 25th to 29th September....... what a great couple of guys and their enthusiasm was so infectious!!!

First of all take a look at what will be "my Space"... the use of the model is to show the sheer size of it!!

It's huge!!! This is Adam chatting with one of the exhibitors. I am so happy I have spent the last couple of weeks getting a few more pieces done and framed.  The walls have yet to be painted white and a few more finishing touches to the space but it is so bright and modern and in total, for each week there will be 4 or 5 artists exhibiting for a period of 8 weeks.

Adam and Leon are young (well they seem really young to me!!) entrepreneurs, Leon has his own website business in Chorley net-heads and Adam has just graduated from Uni with a first class honours degree in Music Production.

The space has been unoccupied for something like 14 years and is right in the heart of Chorley, once a thriving market town in the North West but like many towns, now suffering more from the ravages of recession and downturn in the economy. Leon has taken it over and wants to develop the premises to create a "drop in office" facility which he hopes to have up and running early next year. In the meantime the space is empty and their idea was to fill it with music and art and to offer something different to Chorley and the North West.

Adam has worked so hard to get this up and running from absolutely nothing, he has built the website, Art of Ours He keeps in really good contact with all the artists and quite honestly this is an artists dream!!! Not only is the space fantastic, the whole set up is so focussed on the artists and nothing is too much trouble for these two young men. They are so incredibly flexible, supportive and open to ideas, and Adam will be manning the exhibition for the whole 8 weeks with a little help from one or two others and so far all we have to do is provide a synopsis, a list of all our work for display, turn up a couple of days before, hang our work and step back and admire!!!

Similarly Leon has also been helping get the space ready ..... he has such a "can do" attitude" and nothing is impossible, as I said earlier their enthusiasm is so infectious, it feels like I've sold pieces already.......... Leon is going to be (if not already!!) extremely successful in life!!! Private viewings were mentioned which may not be up and running for my 2nd week but would be fantastic events if they manage to get any planned.

I would urge everyone to come and have a look at what has been achieved here not just for my week of the exhibition but to come and see the space, the diversity of work to be displayed, from photography, to sculpture, to sound installations and to enjoy what has been created here.

So a big thank you to these two fabulous young people for having the idea, the vision, the enthusiasm, the will and tenacity to embark on this venture and I sincerely hope the whole thing is a resounding success, your hard work and endeavours deserve to be rewarded.  

I wish both Adam and Leon every success both for this and any future ventures and I hope you get masses of publicity to advertise your existing businesses and that this will be a fabulous spring board for the new use of the space.


  1. Wow! An exciting time for both you and them! What a wonderful thing to have happen - am off to check out their website :)

  2. Aw thanks Carmen... they really are great and sooo enthusiastic.... I feel quite privileged to be a part of it.

  3. Congratulations - having a space like this has to be a winning combination with your artwork :) Hope for the best for you and tons of fun, too!

    1. Thanks Rhonda.... I really have been lucky to have found out about it, my art group were notified and a few of us from there are exhibiting albeit on different weeks but it does seems like a fantastic opportunity.

  4. Oh wow I'm excited for you - I really will definitely try and get up to visit while your work is on display

    1. Thanks Sharon would be lovely to see you. You'd have to let me know when you might come as I won't be there the whole 5 days, but would obviously come along to meet you if you could make it!!

  5. Excitement all around here too!! I'm so happy for you dear Judith! The space, your space, looks inviting (even unfinished as it is) to put on your beautiful paintings! Big Whoop... can't wait to see it ready!
    I only wish I could be there... but there's always the next time :)

  6. It does look fantastic doesn't it? I have about 25 paintings to take, it is a shame you are going back to Greece as it wouldn't have been too far for you to come and see it, but yes, here's to next time!!

  7. Sounds very exciting, good luck!

  8. Thank you Margaret... am really looking forward to it!

  9. It is so exciting to see you taking this next step, Judith - it looks like a lovely space and it is great that you have such supportive people to work with.

  10. wishing you all the best for your exhibition judith ..looks a brilliant space and joint adventure !


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