
Sunday, 30 September 2012

Am I Delighted or What!!!

These are the photos of my paintings at the exhibition I've been droning on about for the last few weeks!!!  I was so pleased with how they looked and apparently they generated a lot of interest (Adam's words not mine!!!!).....however,  had we realised I had so many I think I would have been given a larger area.... somehow my collection started to breed as the exhibition approached and I was shocked to find I had 29 framed paintings and 10 mounted!!!  So, did I sell any, well you are going to have to read to the end to find that one out as I want to chat about it all for a while!!!

I have met so many other artists here and do you know what, we artists (yeh yeh I know am still an apprentice, but think I can now call myself one!!!) are such a lovely lot.... I have only ever met one person I didn't care for in the whole time I have been connected with art. Art seems to bring such nice people together and most seem to have this passion which bonds us all........I am so glad my friend Alison didn't mind me tagging along to the first class we ever did all those years ago!!

Anyway have been along a few times to see how things were going, Adam has been babysitting our paintings beautifully and the space looked great...... it's a pity we have had some of the most appalling weather ever in the North West as it has really hindered footflow, but nevertheless I have thoroughly enjoyed the whole process and would jump at the chance to exhibit again with Art of Ours... even had photographs done with the press yesterday... I was able to partially hide behind one of my paintings and he doesn't seem to have captured my double chin so I told him he could sell to "Hello" and "Ok!!!" He just looked at me idea why!!!

Saturday was busier,  and although a lot of footflow was generated by friends and relatives of the artists exhibiting, there was a party like atmosphere and the daughter of one gentleman brought wine and nibbles... not sure if it was meant to loosen up our punters to extract a purchase or two but was a very nice touch and greatly appreciated by those of us there.

I've been along this morning to collect my paintings and met some of the new group who are setting up for next week........a completely different look to the place with some huge canvases of work.... we couldn't stay to see it fully set up but am sure it will look really impressive, and I might just nip along for the preview tomorrow evening!!!

The exhibition still has another 6 weeks to run and would be good if any of you reading this and are in the locality pop along for a can check the Art of Ours website (link above) to see if you fancy any of the work which might be showing.

Have a busy week ahead as my own lovely group start back on Thursday after our Summer recess so have a little more preparation to do for that and a charcoal portrait commission to do for next weekend.... how I ever found time to work is a complete mystery to me!!! Things have certainly changed since I did my first ever blog at the end of March when I had just made the decision to to retire!!

Now for the nitty gritty... did I sell anything.... well yes actually I did, 3 paintings in total!!! So am well pleased as I didn't want to bring them all back and so happy that some people were actually prepared to put their money where their mouths were!!! 2 were framed and one just mounted so only 27 framed to bring home!!! Phew!!!


  1. Oh Judith I'm so happy for you - really wish I could have come along and will certainly try to get up there before the rest of the exhibition finishes - will let you know if I do and maybe we can meet up for that coffee lol! Which ones did you sell - any that I know?

  2. Aw thanks Sharon... I sold the nude, a blue Venetian lady (think that's on ID&P) and also sold the one we did of Alena's truck... I did two of that and the more abstract one sold... don't know whether you can see that one as I think it was on TPL....very pleased!!! And yes let me know if you would like to come and we'll meet up for coffee or lunch....

  3. Oh goody - oh goody! I'm so excited and happy for you Judith!!! Well done!
    Your space and the way your art was placed was sooo beautiful!! Of course, it has to do with the art itself, it's not just the placing. That's why, on one hand, I'm happy that you sold 3 (whoop!) paintings, but on the hand am not that surprised... I mean your paintings are gorgeous!
    Hugs and smiles!

  4. Thank you so much Tina.... I am really pleased.... it's fine people saying they like your work but a very different matter for people to actually part with their hard earned cash for does sort of validate it a bit!!

  5. Congratulations Judith, in tough times you have done well a great confirmation you are indeed an artist

  6. He he Lorraine..... feels funny to say it but yes I suppose I am!!! Hope you are well and the sales are coming for you too!!

  7. It all looks amazing and sounds like it was so much fun! Congratulations on the sales. Yes, I have to agree that the artists and crafters that I have been lucky enough to meet have been the most kind, supportive and generous people I've ever met. Like you say - it's rare to come across a bad 'un.

    1. Thanks you Carmen...... the whole thing has been so good to be involved in and has also given me the contacts I need for a website so all positive for me!!

  8. Looks like a great space for showing your work and congratulations in the sales!!

  9. It was a fantastic space Rhonda and the only negative is that it is on the first floor which I think may stop people venturing in.. if they were able to see from the street what was going on I think a lot more people would have been tempted to take a look. We are hopeful that it will become a regular thing and Art of Ours are looking at a variety of different venues... empty shop and office premises mainly so good news for us!!!

  10. Congratulations on a successful exhibition, Judith! Your display looked gorgeous and best of all, you had fun with it and met kindred spirits IRL.

  11. Thanks Billie... I wondered if the display was a bit crowded so pleased you think it was ok!! I should have gone to the preview tonight for this week but have been busy painting, preparing for my class on Thursday, putting another step by step together, posted the next images in the loose group... oh and I played tennis this morning!! Busy, busy, but loving it!!!

  12. Hello Judith:) How proud you must be! Congratulations on selling 3 paintings! A wonderful job.Is that not secretly for which we do it, in addition to the pleasure of painting itself?

    1. Thanks Renate.... yes I think it must be partly to sell though I have only just started showing my work so early days for me!!You are right, I am delighted and will look to doing more exhibitions in the future and maybe get some work online to sell as well

  13. Fantastic news, Judith - well done!

  14. Well done Judith. Recognise quite a few of those paintings. They look good together.

    1. Thought it was a bit crowded in the end but I painted them, framed them and was going to put them all up!!! I really had no idea there were going to be so many... thought I had about 25 max!!

  15. Hey Hey well done you....and to think I knew you at the beginning of the road. Great job! Which ones did you sell? Bx

  16. Thanks B... sold the Blue Mask, a nude and one of the truck we did on TPL ages ago... I did two of the truck and it was the very loose one which sold.....

    Still feels like the beginning B but of what I've no idea, but am quite happy to go with whatever happens, you never know what opportunities might come along and am here ready and waiting!!!

  17. hi judith congratulations on your exhibition and sales hope it is first of many collective exhibition , they sound a good group . put in alot of hard work .

    1. I hope so too Jane, it has been a very good experience and still has over 4 weeks to run, so am still bobbing in from time to time... might even be running a watercolour workshop for some of the artists who expressed an interest!!


Would like to thank you all for taking the time to visit my blog, why not leave me a message then I know you've popped by!! If you have any enquiries please send me an e-mail to