
Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Did this for my sister and husband as she really liked the painting I did of Rolo. This is one of their boxer dogs Jaz, daughter of their other, Cassie. I will soon have introduced the whole family of animals just one or two more to do!!!This isn't as loose as most of my work and I have to admit a touch of drawing went on as this was one I attempted the other day and it just didn't go right. I take back what I said in my previous blog.... it is the loose stuff I can't always manage and don't know how it will turn out... if I want to paint a bit tighter then yes I can manage, just don't always know how best to do "loose!!"

It's since I started loosening up that the real trouble started!! Have used more paper in the last 18 months than in the whole of the rest of the time I've been painting!! So this may be a bit of a "cop out" as far as loose is concerned but I think my sister and brother in law will like and that's more important with this one (well that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!). I may have a go at some of John's other photos of the dogs, check out his page

Paint my Photo

He is an excellent amateur photographer and is interested in doing more work with his photography.... if you are interested in him doing a photoshoot or purchasing any other of his photos you can always leave a message here or e-mail me......


  1. I love Jaz! You did a great job. Don't worry so much about loose, the more you paint, the looser you'll get. The more you draw--charcoal, graphite, pastels--the looser you'll get. Loosen up on newsprint--something inexpensive. Call those your warm ups, your loosening up as you limber up that drawing/painting arm and shoulder. A very nice portrait of what looks like a very sweet dog. Your sister will be thrilled.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Linda.... my natural style is quite loose.... am a bit too lazy and messy for detail which is why I love charcoal and I had promised myself I was going to do more sketching to prepare for painting and so far not done anything... note to self... keep your promises!!!

  2. I'm sure your sister and brother in law will love it! Very beautiful, Judith! I like the touch of blue and that you didn't copy the photo, but used your imagination!
    Warm regards.

    1. Yes they love Konstantina thanks... just need to mount and frame now. Can see it isn't a direct copy but not my usual type of work... don't feel I want to be beaten with it so some time will have another go!!

  3. I know how you feel Judith. Commissions tend to do that to you. I have had to pre-warn customers that my style is loose and that is the way the painting will be finished. It is hard, but you need to see the photograph as a reference only and do your own thing

    1. You're right Brian I was probably a bit inhibited by wanting to do this for my sister so though it wasn't actually commission it was like one, but I stil think it's to do with the fur as well can't use sweeping strokes with such short fur... Sharon and I thought you did a boxer once but I can't find anything?

  4. Hello Judith:) I love it. I know how difficult animals are to paint but you did it wonderful. He looks very naughty:) Beautiful!!

    1. Thanks Renate, yes it wasn't easy and yes she is a bit naughty and torments her Mum terribly!!!


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