
Monday, 30 July 2012

Watercolour Class with Joanne Boon Thomas

Joanne runs a class every Friday morning at Sunshine House in Wigan. It is a great class and is accessible for all as members and non members alike can attend and get to be taught by one of the best art tutors I've had the pleasure to be associated with. Joanne has a very easy manner and the class is packed with tips and hints which Joanne shares with enthusiasm and a sense of humour.

This was a sort of part two as last week the class had done a close up study of the boat in this landscape, to get a "feel" for how to paint it, an excellent teaching tool and one which I will be using in my own workshops in the future.... thanks Joanne!!!! So I came a bit late to this and as I am not known for my deliberation and consideration, managed to do both in the class.

As usual lots of things I could and would have done differently, but what I really like about doing classes with different tutors is they all have something new to offer and Joanne is no exception to that. She talks constantly throughout the demonstration, describing how and why she is doing something talking about counterchange, composition, colour (very limited palette for this)and what she is thinking about as the painting progresses. She is constantly stepping back to view how things are going and has a real gift in being able to add that little touch which makes all the difference. I must admit this is something I have witnessed when attending workshops of more talented experienced artists especially those who work in a loose way as Joanne........ they all have that knack of finishing touches without overworking and Joanne is a master at that!!! Definitely something I need to work on!!!

The other thing about doing classes with other Artists is that I need to find tutors who teach in the way I want to paint and I have been lucky enough to see Jean Haines and Joanne Boon Thomas in action on more than one occasion which has been a revelation to me.

Finally check this out  Art tutor. This is a new venture which Joanne is involved with and has done a number of Dvd's for them so if you can't get to see Joanne live you can always see how she works here.


  1. I wish I could have come to this - how do these workshops work - do you watch the tutor paint and then have a go yourself - never been to one before and a bit nervous about going if I'm honest - not good at painting in front of other people!

    1. Hi Sharon depends on the tutor, but most I've been to involve the tutor doing a bit then you doing a bit and building up the painting step by step with the tutor giving advice and help as you are having a go. However most of the education authority run art classes I have attended aren't like that.... have only ever had one teacher who has demonstrated!!! So you need to be careful about what you are going to and who is running it and whether their style fits your requirements...

      The other thing to do is join an art group and they often have artists who visit to do workshops... this is what I'm doing..... have been contacting local art groups to see if they need someone to do workshops and they all seem to be on the lookout for someone new.

  2. Gosh Judith I am blushing, what a fantastic write up of your visit to the Friday class. Even though you missed the previous class when we practised the boat and foreground washes you had no problems with the finished painting, in fact I recall you painted a couple of practice pieces to warm you up before you started, always a great idea. Your finished painting looks wonderful, me thinks you do not realise how much talent you have and I know you are passionate about sharing your love of painting and in my book this is what will make you a great teacher.
    Perhaps ArtTutor should have the link to your blog.

    1. No need for you to blush Joanne am only telling it as it is!!! Was lovely to meet up last Friday......hopfully the first of many getogethers!!!!

  3. Lovely painting Judith. I like all the different blues in it. Thank you for sharing information about workshops. Though I'm sure soon enough I'll join a class or workshop, I still feel reluctant and rather shy.
    Warm regards.

    1. Hi Konstantina....I think it depends on how much you want to move on in your work and therefore how prepared you are to put the shyness to one side and after all what can happen? I think you will find once you do pluck up courage there is a whole cross section of people with a cross section of abilities who attend art groups and workshops and they all have one thing in common... they love to paint and you will find that is the common factor. No-one will be looking to see how good or bad you are, they will be delighted you have turned up and from my experience will make you feel very welcome. A whole new world will open up when you get amongst real live artists and you will be able to learn so much from them. Artists are a generous lot and invariably willing to share what they know.... I can't help spilling all I know when I do my workshops... if I'm not careful no-one will want me back as I will have shared everything and have nothing more to tell them!!!

  4. Beautiful painting, Judith - love that combination of colours - it really suits the restful scene.

    1. Thanks Dawn, can't claim credit for this painting as it is Joanne's creative idea but that is the beauty of going to classes and workshops, we learn new things all the time.....

  5. I am another who needs to 'get out more' you are leading the way Judith!

    1. You are so right you need to get out more Roy...... you're work is fab and needs recognising in the "real" world!!

  6. Thanks Teresa, I think the whole point is that when you love what you're doing like I do, you just want everyone to share in the joy and passion that we get from it......

    Am so invigorated by doing the workshops and am getting some wonderful feedback.... people have a thirst for learning about painting and it really is such a buzz to share what I know with them as I have in the Loose Group and now in my blog so a win win for me!!!!


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