
Wednesday, 25 July 2012

An award from a fellow Blogger!!!

What a lovely surprise this was from Konstantina. she has awarded 5 of these to blogs she likes and the idea is we pass them on. Konstantina, like me is new to "Blog World", she draws beautifully and has a very thought provoking blog..... so a big thank you from me Konstantina and very best wishes

These are my 5 blogs. they have to be for people who have less than 200 followers..

1. Sharon the Rambling Artist Sharon is even newer to blogging than me but is doing a wonderful job mainly because she is a fab artist and that comes through on her blog. She hasn't been painting that long either, so when you check her out I think you will be amazed at her work!!

2. Roy Simmons. I have chosen Roy for many reasons not least of which is his blog. Though he doesn't comment much on his posts his work speaks for itself, however Roy has many more strings to his bow, he is the founder of Paint my Photo which is a marvellous site and one I recommend you all visit, he has created his own brand of painting "Fearless Watercolour" and has an e-book available from his website and PMP and a host of instructional DVD's.... how can you not check this one out!!!

3.A Blank Sheet of Paper. Dawn in Shanghai writes this and she keeps me riveted from the minute I start reading. Dawn is on a similar journey to me with her painting, she has the same love affair with watercolour and her blogs are funny and interesting, She also writes one about her life in Shanghai which I find equally readable and I always look forward to any new blogs she writes!!

4.Brian Morrison. Now if you are looking for talent, check Brian out.... another man of many talents.... now why is it the men who seem to be multi skilled here!!!! Brian is a caricature and silhouette artist as well as a fabulous watercolourist. He has also done oils in the past and written scripts for television and a novel no less.... I really do live in exalted company!!! Another you need to have a look at!!!

Last but not least

5. Sherry Schmidt. Another beginner to "Blog World" who is developing a lovely loose style and who you will see when you take a look is a very talented artist. Her blog is a lovely look into her art and she unlike most of us seems to be really getting to grips with "Plein Air" painting.

So there you have my 5. The next thing I have to do apparently is list 5 things you don't know about me which as I tend to spill all in my blog will not be easy!!!

1. I LOVE food!!!
2. Apart from coconut which I absolutely hate!!
3. I go to Zumba classes usually on Friday
4. I am a Zoology and Biochemistry graduate (have hinted at my scientific background but never declared in what so hope this one counts!!!)
5. I think I might need treatment... "Hello my name's Judith and I'm a paintaholic!!!"
Maybe that one is a cheat and you do know that so possibly like Konstantina I love to be near the water, either on a boat or at the waterside. One of my best holidays was on the Norfolk broads where we could watch the world go by on the motor boat we hired with our friends and family.


  1. Lovely blogs, all 5 of them. Thank you for your kind words Judith.
    Warm regards.

  2. I enjoyed this - I've not visited any of these blogs including Konstantina's so I will be doing that this evening... actually, no I wont. I have to fast tonight for some glucose tests tomorrow and because I am just like your #1 that means an early night for me ;) So I will be leaving your page open to check out these blogs when I get back tomorrow. That's what I love about Blogland - find one amazing blog (that's you!) and it more often than not leads you on to more fantastic blogs :)

    As someone who has lived by the sea my entire life - I know exactly what you mean about having to be by water... and yet I cannot swim! Ho hum!

  3. Oh Judith what a lovely surprise! - thank you so much for this and for all the support you've shown me over the last year, I've learned loads from you - you're an inspiration to me and so this means a lot xxxx

  4. Well this was your inspiration Konstantina so all down and thanks to you!!!

  5. Thanks Carmen, hope all goes well with the test tomorrow. You are right about blog world there is so much talent out there just waiting to be found, it could become a full time job just checking them all out!!

  6. Hey Sharon... you are so welcome and more importantly so deserving. You are becoming such a good painter and you do have such talent...... it has been a pleasure to see your work develop.... maybe you can start inspiring me!!!!!

  7. Judith, Congratulations on your Konstantina award! And a huge Thank You for mentioning my new blog. :-)

  8. Dear Judith, I come from Konstantina blog through I have known and appreciated new blogger friends! I am very glad: Konstantina has chosen bloggers so special for the Liebster Blog Award !

  9. Thank you Rita this is such a lovely idea... as my blog list grows I will certainly pick more from it to give another 5 awards in the future....

  10. A well deserved award Judith, and thanks so much for the mention. On holiday right now, but I am hoping to revisit blog world when I come home. You have been a great help to me with my art over the last two years. Thanks for that!

  11. Well done, Judith - am very appreciative of your mention of me and my blog - hope I can continue to keep you riveted (and amused!) with life here on the other side of the world!

    And another congratulations for getting to the shortlist for the Ken Bromley Cover Art competition -

  12. Hi Brian you're welcome credit where credit is due!!! Hope you are having great holiday!!

  13. Dawn I love your blog it makes me smile and is so well written it was a no brainer to include you!!!

  14. Just another small note, the idea, if you would like, is to pass the award on to 5 of your favourite blogs (with less than 200 followers) so although not compulsory a nice idea?

  15. Yes - it is a nice idea - will make a plan to make it happen!


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