
Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Workshop at Art & Soul Hindley

This was my third workshop ever and what a lovely group they were!!! Made me feel so at home,  served me with coffee on arrival and were so warm and welcoming. Just wanted to thank them so much for inviting me and I hope they enjoyed meeting me as much as I enjoyed meeting them!! Hope so as I'm back in a month!!!!

We started the session with some of my colour planets, you know, the ones from a while back. As you will all know am very passionate about letting colour mix on the paper and though one or two of the group did paint like this it was new for the majority so always good to be able to share something new and different.  Then we went on to do pears, lemons, bananas (only bought them yesterday so hadn't scoffed the lot before the session!!!) peppers and garlic, all simple studies like we do in the Loose group but all good for learning some of the techniques for loosening up a bit. Even though this was new and alien to most they all had a really good stab at it although most said they thought it was quite hard... am glad I told them right at the beginning this isn't for the faint hearted but for those from the group who may be reading this it does get easier........... honest!!!!

Just a few pics from the session. By the way, I will e-mail Ann with the questions about the colours and any telephone numbers in the next few days.  Am really looking forward to the next session there and hope any other groups I go to will be as nice and kind as this one......


  1. that's great news judith ....all the best with your next workshops

  2. Thank you Jane, I really enjoy doing them and I got some lovely feedback. I did ask for anything negative as well as I want to make sure I do the best I can and keep everyone engaged!!!


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