
Sunday, 22 April 2012

Studies and Exercises

These are a selection of the many pears I have painted, I used them as the subject in the first workshop I did so had to do lots of practice!!! They were also the topic for our first Study image in the loose group on

When we have been trying to loosen up in our work it is often easier to get a feel for how to paint something by just concentrating on a single subject without the pressure of a whole painting, something which doesn't need much drawing, which can be done quickly and which can be used as a warm up.... as many of you will know, if you follow Jean Haines blog she is a great believer in warming up before you start by doing her 3 washes a day and I guess these exercises are something similar.

Another example of something quick and simple, no drawing needed just straight in with the paint, this I would probably work on to add some more tone but was really done to try and get the lost edges which is quite a distinctive feature of loose work. I spend quite a lot of time trying to get a sort of "formula" for how to paint something, trying to give the viewer enough information but leaving more to the imagination.

This is the most recent one we have done in the group, not so many lost edges but I find I get a bit carried away!!!!

I would advise anyone who wants to have a go at loosening up to try some small exercises, no pressure, you can do lots on one piece of paper they aren't meant to be masterpieces, just studies to learn techniques and ideas from to maybe then incorporate in a larger piece of work.

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