
Saturday, 7 April 2012

Have spent the day moving back into my "art room". My son and his girlfriend have just moved out after living with us for just over 2 years and my art room has been doubling up as a dressing room so not much space for me to throw the paint around!!! Have got my room back today and have spent the day in there going through all my work,  finally throwing some pieces out and sorting out all my reference materials. I start running my art group in October and I want to be well prepared so they will keep wanting me back!!

I did this painting a couple of months ago and quite like it so it is one I chose to frame today as I have decided that I am going to start exhibiting. The group I have joined, Bolton art Circle have  regular monthly exhibitions as well as an annual showing at their venue and another yearly exhibition at Bolton library. I need to start framing some pieces so that I am ready and also need to see which look best in which frames

Am at the very beginning of all this and so not sure about the best you will all know framing is a costly business so I need to keep the costs down for the time being......  I have my own mount cutter and have finally got to grips with it..... saw it demonstrated at the art and crafts exhibition at the NEC, so easy once you know how...

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