
Friday, 6 February 2015

Is it finished?

I have had this image from Alex Lee Johnson saved for a while and as I am having an urge to paint portraits at the moment I decided to give it a go..the reference was a monochrome... my favourite sort of image which then frees me for the not quite sure if my composition works as I have chosen to do quite a harsh abrupt bg while keeping her image soft and enigmatic. I have used 1/4 imperial Bockingford rough and colours are

Raw sienna
Cad Red
Cobalt Blue
Winsor Violet

I am not sure if this is finished or if it needs some creative cropping but I have enjoyed doing it and may decide to have another go but bigger 22x15 (half imperial)...

I quite like the stylised look as it is but wonder if the abrupt edge is a bit jarring?