
Tuesday, 11 December 2012

New Brusho Painting

My blog has been quiet recently, not because I haven't been doing anything but because I have had one or two commissions to do which I haven't been able to post as they are xmas pressies. I don't know that the recipients will actually be reading my blog but better to be safe than sorry. Anyway am in the middle of a drawing of 3 dogs and a parrot so thought I would take a break and get on with some Brusho!!

Have been planning this one for a while... it is from a photo taken by my brother in law John Robinson who is a member of Paint my Photo. This is a photo taken in Central Park. We visited New York with them 6 years ago and although it didn't snow while we were there they'd had considerable snow the year before and he has some lovely images from that visit.

This is 20x25 so quite large..... Brusho does lend itself to painting big so my problem is the cost of framing this size...... think it will remain unframed and for sale as it is!!! I do find Brusho very satisfying though frustrating but then so is watercolour.

If I don't manage to post again before Xmas I do wish you all a very Merry one and a a happy New Year!!